Year 6

Teacher Mrs L Childs

Teacher Mrs A Sofroniou

Teaching Assistant Mrs J Card (HLTA)


Current Topic - Autumn Term 2

An exciting term ahead for Year 6! We will be studying a new book in our English lessons (reading and writing): ‘Escaping The Giant Wave’ by Peg Kehret. This book links closely to our geography topic around natural disasters, particularly tsunamis. While exploring the text, we will make predictions and explore character and setting descriptions, in order for us to write the next chapter in the book. We will, of course, apply all of our different reading skills such as clarification of words, making predictions and summarising events in the story etc. as well as answering a variety of comprehension questions throughout the term. 

Our science work will initially continue with a focus on the circulatory system. Later in the term, we will then move on to evolution and this will involve us exploring different theories of how humans and animals have evolved over time and their adaptations to the environment they live in. 

We will also be going on our exciting residential trip to Kilvrough Manor in Wales on Monday 9th December 2024 - Friday 13th December 2024.


Reminders and Routines
  • Children should be reading at least 5 times a week - please ask them to tell you what they are reading about.
  • Children should be practising their time tables - including the related division facts. This could be done using Time Tables Rockstars.
  • Children should be learning their spellings every day so that they are known "for life".
  • When they come to school, they need to bring a water bottle.
  • Take time during the week to complete their homework - they will get a piece of Maths and English each week. You can always check what homework has been set by looking in Google Classroom.
PE Days - Autumn Term 2

PE will take place on a Tuesday (Children should come to school dressed in their PE Kit.)
Swimming on a Wednesday 



We will add more sites as the year progresses...

BBC Bitesize

TT Rockstars

Maths Frame

Primary Homework Help

National Geographic


Year 6 Newsletters - 2024/2025

Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2024

Year 6 Autumn 2 Term Newsletter 2024