Year 5
Teacher Mrs Gibson
Teacher Miss Stott
Teaching Assistant Miss L Walsh
Welcome to our year group page, where you can find our curriculum overviews, latest news, photos of learning opportunities and achievements in Year 5.
Current Topic- Peaks and Summits - Autumn Term 2
During the second half of the Autumn Term, Year 5 pupils will continue to learn about Mountains and Volcanoes. We will follow a very cross curricular approach, so that children make links between their learning and build their knowledge in a well sequenced way. We will continue to read ‘When the Mountains Roared’ by Jess Butterworth and children will explore non-chronological reports and discussion texts. In Geography, children will look at volcanoes, how they are formed and their different features. They make, then erupt, their own volcanoes in our DT lessons. We also have a fantastic Mountain themed day organised with some explorers who will visit school and give the children an immersive experience into our topic.
Reminders and Routines
Children must bring a named water bottle into school each day and all school uniform should be clearly labelled to ensure it can be returned to your child if misplaced. If you have arranged for your child to be collected by another adult that this is communicated to the office or the class teacher.
During summer months, please also make sure your child has a sun hat to wear outside and has sun cream applied each morning before school.
P.E Autumn Term 2
PE will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should come into school wearing PE kit and appropriate footwear on this day.
Please follow the link below for the correct list of PE kit your child will need:
Supporting Learning At Home
Tasks will be set half termly via Google Classroom with a selection of homework activities to choose from. Children are encouraged to pick one activity each week and bring their work to school or upload photos and send it to
Websites to Support Learning
BBC Bitesize - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Primary Homework Help - Mountains/Volcanoes
Topmarks - Spelling and Grammar English Games
Year 5 Newsletters 2024/2025
Year 5 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2024
Year 5 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter 2024