Health Advice - Do I need to keep my child off school?
Due to the novel nature of the virus, advice changes all the time.
Please check the latest UK Government advice for households with possible or confirmed Coronavirus (Covid-19) infection.
Until all spots have crusted over.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
48 hours from last episode.
Until recovered.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
No need too stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
Until lesions are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after commencing antibiotics.
4 days from onset of rash.
Five days from onset of swelling.
Until after first treatment.
24 hours after commencing antibiotics.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
No need to stay off but school or nursery should be informed.
48 hours after commencing antibiotics.