The Arts
Artsmark Award
Over the last two years, our school has been working hard to raise the profile of the arts in school. The staff have planned exciting arts lessons for the children linked to their topic work. They took part in a school Art Exhibition where parents could buy their children’s artwork. The children have also been offered exciting school clubs for Art, Choir, Drama and knitting.
Year groups have had opportunities to work with local artists and Arts organisations on exciting projects. We have had Nick Cope in to perform to the school a number of times as well as take part in a Q and A session with Year 2. Year 4 were involved in an exciting project where their created willow sculptures with a local artist that were sited at the Rollright Stones. Our school has also taken part with OYAP in creating willow lanterns for the Bicester Christmas lights parade. Year 6 worked with a local artist to create beautiful prints.
The year groups have performed plays and musicals to parents as well as put on mini exhibitions in their classrooms to celebrate their topic learning.
Our school choir have performed a number of times in the local community and taken part in a local choir festival.
Year 1 have taken part in a dance festival with other local schools which was very exciting.
This year we are thrilled to achieve the Gold Artsmark award. This is a national award that recognises our dedication to the arts in our school.
This award lasts for two years, so we have recently reregistered to start the process again, as it takes two years to achieve. We are excited to be able to continue delivering exciting arts projects to the children as we understand the value and importance of the arts in our children’s wellbeing and lifelong learning.
Arts Award
Two years ago, Mrs Black trained as an Arts Award assessor. This is a national qualification run by Trinity College in London for children. Our school are able to offer the Discover and Explore Arts Award. We have already had a group of children achieve their Discover Arts Award and we are very proud of their achievement. We aim to continue offering the opportunity for children to achieve an Arts Award.
Bicester Festival