SEND & Inclusion

Our Vision and Ethos

At Glory Farm Primary School, we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all children and adults, and strive to ensure that these values are at the heart of our SEND practices. Every child with a Special Education Need has access to Quality First Teaching and targeted support where needed to enable them to learn more and remember more.

We will always involve parents and children in key decisions, as well as planning and reviewing progress; we know that parents are the first educators of their child and that we need their knowledge and co-operation to plan effectively. We know that the earlier we identify SEND and provide support, the more successful our children will be. We are committed to providing expert support and resources for children with SEND to fulfil their individual potential. Our starting point is to guarantee a whole - school approach to providing for the needs of children with SEND. In other words, we make sure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to support all children to achieve well, including those with SEND, throughout our School.


How we learn with and from others

We are a learning community and believe that it is important to work with other schools to make sure that our SEND knowledge, expertise and skills are up to date. We are also committed to supporting all staff in school to enable everyone to embed our good practice: we run training sessions for all staff regularly throughout the year. Our weekly meetings always involve a training specific element and we use the expertise of external agencies wherever possible. The SENDCo meets every term with other local SENDCos and the County teams to further broaden her knowledge and share this practice. Our Inclusion Manager attends the Local Authority SENDCO Forum, which keeps all schools up to date with national developments and local projects on inclusion.

The feedback from external professionals attending Glory Farm has been overwhelmingly positive, for example commenting on the:

  • Sensitivity and empathy of inclusion support staff
  • Individual provision is implemented for all SEND children
  • How all staff share an inclusive, supportive and yet challenging commitment to children
  • How well planned and considered interventions can really remove barriers to learning
  • How proactive all staff were in considering what are barriers to learning in a mainstream classroom and providing solutions to them


Living Well with Neurodiversity

A new support service is being offered by Oxfordshire CAMHS in collaboration with Autism Oxford UK Ltd.

Living Well with Neurodiversity

The virtual sessions will be held in the evenings as an informal space for parents/carers to safely share their experiences/tips. It will be facilitated by professionals who will cover the basics of ADHD/Autism and much more!

Further details are available at


SEND Information Report 2022-23

SEND Letter 

SEND Vision